
Showing posts from January, 2018


It is a school reopening day after the Annual exam leave. Sam is a boy who studying ninth grade and this year he moving into Tenth grade. As usual Sam discussing with his friends how he spent his vacation in a village. There are some new faces inside the class who were the new joiners to that school. An hour later a pretty girl comes to class and she too a new joiner. Here name is Angel. The name Angel perfectly suits her. She is like an angel who came down to the earth. She got pretty eyes, soft lips. She excused the teacher for getting late to the school as she is new to the city, her dad don’t have any idea about the city traffics during peak hours. Her eyes blinked like a butter fly when she apologizing. Teacher allowed her in and asks her to give a small self-introduction about her in-front of the class. She is Angel, her dad is a central government employee working for BHEL and her father got transferred to Trichy a week ago which is also his nat...