Final count down 10.., 9.., 8.., 7.., 6.., 5.., 4.., 3.., 2.., 1.., 0 and ignition. The fumes come out from the final chamber of GSLV Mk III. It successfully accelerates up against the gravity and bidding its final “Good Bye” to earth. 11th July, 2216 anxiety and expectation occupied faces of everyone in Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Space Centre, Sector-14, Arabian Sea. The GSLV Mk III carries a very confidential satellite which will bring a very big revolution in the human history and the mission is named as “Mission-J”. 
 “Mission-J” is to find a suitable alternate planet for the humans, as our earth is completely filled with the nuclear waste which results in earth bio system damage and livelihood of humans is getting minimised day by day. Even though scientists are doing their research to destroy the nuclear waste and trying their best to protect our lovely earth, but it is all vain. Our mother nature decided to remove the humans from its bio system. Other animals have been adapted to the new bio system of the earth, but only the humans are not capable to adapt it which results in death. 
All countries are trying to prevent the human race. Even NASA stopped all their research in Mars and started to concentrate in preventing earth. But India has its own and different opinion. Indian scientists are clever than others and they start to explore the other planets which has the same Eco system like our earth where humans can start their new era from there. This research has been started in early 2190's and in result they found the planet called “Jupiter”. Yes all the countries are much interested in Mars whereas our Indian scientists start to research Jupiter and Saturn. All these research has been done in very confidential manner. Only few of the well talented scientists are enrolled in this research and it has been called as “Project-H”. 
To speed up the research, Honourable President Mrs.Minal Sampath split up the ISRO team into two. One team will be only concentrated in saving the nature as like other countries and the other one will be into Project-H. Mrs.Minal Sampath is a system engineer who worked with ISRO during the Mars mission. Due to her dedication she has been elected as President of India. 
Team Project-H is answerable only to the Honourable President and President has the power to ask question to each and every individuals in the team. The team will be reporting to the President. As per the ISRO record scientists in the Project-H has been either retired or relieved from the service of ISRO, even some of them are dead. There was an island called Sector-14 which is not in the google maps. It is strictly prohibited for all the people only peoples working in the project are allowed into this area. Most of the scientists dedicated their life into this research. So the research station becomes their home. They never used to go to their home. 
Under Project-H lots of research has been done which results in failure. Even though they faced lot of failures Indians never fed up and they are very strong in achieving their goal to save humans and the secret behind their will power is speech given by the President. During one of the meeting with the scientist she said that “We are the one who going to make the human race exist somewhere in this universe. This research is not for India alone it is for all the humans in this world. Humans are under your mercy for their priceless life. If we fail human race fails”. This speech inspires the scientists to work without considering the day and time. 

After ‘n’ number of sleepless nights and researches, team has concluded that planet Jupiter and Saturn will be likelihood of humans in future. Distance wise it is a better option to go to Jupiter rather than going to Saturn. So team fixes their aim in Jupiter and they start their proceedings for the “Mission-J”

To be Continued......


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